The Hawk's Nest: November 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The French are on Fire

It's been more than a dozen days and there are nearly three times the number of cars destroyed in France as there are US dead in Iraq. The interesting thing is that both are at the hands of Muslim extremists.

Riots my Muslims have been going on in France since late October in what Reuters calls "neglected and impoverished neighborhoods with largely Muslim communities." The funny thing is that all of the rioters have money because France is a socialist state. If any rioter is injured, they are treated in French hospitals for free. What a country!

Why has this gone on so long? Well, in the typical leftist rhetoric, they wanted to talk to the rioters and mediate the disputes. There is no mediation. These are extremists and malcontents who want to damage and degrade the French society (I didn't think it would even take ten days to do that), they are not interested in talking, only burning.

The talks continued as other groups expanded into the French countryside. Now there have been nearly 6,000 cars and trucks burned out, stores and businesses firebombed and looted, it is chaos. 12 days after this all started French President Chirac is calling for martial law at night and a curfew. Believe it or not, he is receiving criticism from his largest rival. If it is possible, there are even greater leftists in France than Chirac. It is frightening really.

What I find the most interesting is with all the French criticism of the US culture, they have nearly three times the unemployment rate of the United States with a public debt 70% of their GDP. They speak strongly about things like Kioto, worker rights and free trade, but live up to none of it. They, like many modern day US Democrats only criticize and offer no solutions.