The Hawk's Nest: Let's set some things straight

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Let's set some things straight

I am no Bush cheerleader. He spends too much, he is not protecting our Southern Border and government is getting too big under his watch. I cannot, however, stand the idiots in the national media - who get most of their direction from DNC talking points - attacking the President all the time.

Katrina's failure was a State and Local issue. Bush's problem was he trusted his FEMA director and did not break the law and assume Federal control sooner.

His current NSA issues have not been against any US to US phone calls or correspondence despite what the DNC is trying to spin. It was never a secret ( both parties have been briefed 14 times since 9-11). The Clinton White House spied on an American on US soil, contacting other Americans without telling anyone. The outcome was good (a spying arrest) but it was as legal or illegal as Bush's situation depending on your point of view. You cannot have it both ways.

Body armor is not his issue. The same technology was available when Clinton sent troops to Bosnia. It was not an issue then and it was not thought to be an issue now - except a political one. Soldiers say they don't want all the armor - it slows them down and makes them easier targets. Ask one.

In regard to Alito, if you take anything Kerry or Kennedy have to say- I am afraid you may have pre-alzheimers. Their threat to filibuster a justice who, not 5-8 years ago, would have received an almost 100% vote, is ludicrous. Alito's fellow judges ALL support him as a fair jurist and not an activist judge. You also know that even if Roe V Wade is over turned abortion is not illegal, it simply reverts back to the states where the rulings ought to lie. I am much more worried by the 9th circuit who in the last term granted sentient being status to a frigging dolphin and slided with the ACLU that the North American Man-Boy Love Association and a live sex club in Washington should be allowed to use or exhibit minors. If I have to choose between the life of an unborn child or Ted Kennedy I pick the kid.

For your kids, if your daughter got pregnant would you not want to know? Are you not still her guardian? Kennedy, Feinstein and others want a child as young AT ANY AGE to have the right to an abortion WITHOUT notifying a parent or guardian. What about your wife? If she was pregnant,would you not want a say in whether you kill the embryo of you child in your wife of 20+ years? Not according to Kennedy and Feinstein. For them a "women's right to choose" means no consequences. It means that it is non of your business what your daughter or your wife does. I'd say that says alot about the DNC's position in regard to the sanctity of marriage and of family.

I could go on, but if you don't get what I am saying with this then you are a lost cause. I am a Libertarian - not a Republican. I think what you do in your own home is fine as long as you do not hurt another. Abortion, euthanasia, the Death Penalty all hurt others for the benefit of another. If I am not breaking the law the "Google" issue or the Patriot act is not an issue to me. I believe many of the controls the Feds have should be state issues. As evidenced by the last election where 98% of the counties in America voted for Bush, yet that 2% of the counties who voted for Kerry represent a disproportionate population. If we, as the founders intended, allowed states to represent their constituencies then we would not have issued such as the ones before the Supreme Court.


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