The Hawk's Nest: Why is Congress so Divisive? Bush and the State of the Union.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Why is Congress so Divisive? Bush and the State of the Union.

In watching the State of the Union Address last night, I was not struck by the quality of the speech, the grandiose plans, countless new "initiatives" or the featured guests in the Gallery.

I was struck, however, with the obvious divisiveness in the chamber and the cool wind blowing toward the President from the left side of the aisle. Bush was actually heckled by Hillary Clinton on two occasions. The first was during a comment about ethics legislation.

She was the only one who yelled, drawing a point to, I am sure, what she thought was hypocrisy from the President. As I said in a previous post It takes one to know one (link:

In this case it takes a hypocrite to apparently know one because she and her husband set new records for unethical behavior. From Whitewater to the travelgate scandal and from Vincent Foster's murder to Lewinski, the Clinton years are a blur of unethical behavior.

The second instance was hyperbolic applause to a Bush reference in to the Social Security initiative. What the Dems do not realize is that many in America remember the "doom and gloomers" in the Clinton years talking about how Bush I and the Congress had let the American people down and that Social Security was "a crisis." That all changed when it because a Bush II initiative.

Since when is it ok to heckle a President in the chamber of Congress? A Republican would not do that. They are not wired that way. I see some rewiring necessary in the next 10 months because if there is none, the Dems will roll over the Republicans in this mid-term election season using the Liberal media as their foil. The long and short of last night is Clinton, Kerry and others should be ashamed. It is too bad, however, they have no shame and as evidenced by the divisiveness of the last year, no scruples.

The sampling of coverage today ranges from the AP's Bush Confident Despite Mounting Challenges
to Fox News (link: and their coverage spanning everything from "few on facts" to "impeachment chorus grows."

It is clear that the Congress and the nation is as equally divided as they were in November of 2004. The 98% of the counties still supporting Bush strongly, but the inner cities strongly supporting a Liberal entitlement agenda from the Democrats.

This could be a long, shrill political year.


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