The Hawk's Nest: Iranian Nukes - is Europe Serious?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Iranian Nukes - is Europe Serious?

The European Union thinks that because they "care of the people of Iran" that the Iranian Theocratic leadership will back down from their collision course with not only nuke power but nuke weapons. Um, Yeah, OK. Y'all have been so successful in controlling the French rioters and other major issues suffered by socialistic nations.

Mohammed elaborated, head of the eunuch UN Atomic Energy Agency said they were "losing patience" with Iran and its nuke program. There is nothing I hate more than when the UN loses its inept patience. I suppose the loss of patience is better than its suggestion the Iranians relocate its Nuke program to Russia. That is exactly what I want to see. A new, state of the art, nuclear power plant built in a former Soviet Republic or in mainland Russia well within the reach of all the Russian Mafioso types who traffic in that kind of material.

Iran countered. They say they are losing patience as well. Something makes me more uneasy that a bunch of terrorism supporting, theocratic kooks who want nukes are getting impatient. It reminds me us the queasy feeling I have every time I think of North Korea's program. Oh, by the way, the Iranians also asked the US to build the plant for them.

Folks, let's look at this logically. The US is the only country in the world the bad guys are afraid of. If the US does not step up and say "stop" the Iranians won't. The Ayatollahs are all worried that the US is brining Democracy to the region and their theocratic hold may be lost. Be assured the media may paint it as "HATE" of the US, but it is "FEAR" plain and simple. Don't bid on the plant - STAND UP and STOP the project.


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