The Hawk's Nest: Pat Robertson May Be America's Worst Example

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson May Be America's Worst Example

You know, I like Pat Robertson. I never voted for him. I watch the 700 Club from time to time and respect "Operation Blessing" and some other parts of its broadcasts, but Pat Robertson my have fallen off the cliff.

In a stunning statement Robertson called for the US to assassinate Venezuelan President Chavez (discussed here last month) . Pat Roberston said Chavez needed to be killed "because we have the capability do those things (in the U.S). "It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war, and I don't think any oil shipments will stop. This man is a terrific danger, and this is in our sphere of influence." Thanks Pat! It was incredible. It was so blatant, it forced the State Department to make a statement discounting Robertson's interjection and even the most conservative in Congress were running from the hills.

CNN - the world's more liberal network - is using Robertson as a posterboy for what is bad about the American tighht. Chavez called Robertson a Fascist (but he called President Bush a Fascist as well so I guess Pat is in good company). CNN basically agreed in almost 12 hours of coverage today. If you can believe it, this farce was a bigger story to CNN than the Iraqi constitution, Israel out of Gaza, a Peruvian plane crash, and even Cindy Sheehan. Incredible!

In a political season when there is little going on, folks like Pat Robertson really need to keep his mouth shut. Statements like this could hurt Judge Robertson's vote, add fuel to anti-war protests linking the Iraqi war with oil, or even hurt the chances of some 2006 candidates. It is rhetoric like this that costs the Republicans moderate votes.

Pat stick to fundraising - you ran for President once and failed. Leave politics to the professionals.


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