The Hawk's Nest: Good week for the President

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Good week for the President

It was a good week for President Bush, but the Republicans do not know how to score points when they are ahead. I understand the philosophy of keeping your head down and moving forward, but the leadership in the Republican Party need to start looking farther ahead than the ends of their noses.

Roberts: Good choice below the radar. It made the Dems have to do some research. The problem now is that he is so squeaky clean that the hate mongers in the Democratic party (Biden, Kennedy,, etc.) are now attacking the family in earnest. The adopted kids for cripes sake?!? what is next? Tripping little old ladies crossing the street?

The Energy Bill: Good for some, bad for others. It was a priority of the term but was missing the biggest piece that can help the country - drilling in Alaska.

The Transportation Bill: bad for everyone unless you live in a district with a lawmaker who pulle din some fat. $23B in pork. That has to be a record.

Boulton: I applaud the President. He is a good pick who will not take any crap from the UN. They are trying to control the Internet for cripes sake and we invented it! The effor tin the UN is led by China the largest technology thief in the world.

The Markets: They are up and the economy looks strong with the GNP up another 3points although you would never know it if you read the NY Times, Boston Globe, Watched the big 3, CNN, MSNBC and the new ALL GORE CHANNEL

We'll see what happens next week.


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